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tv   [untitled]    November 27, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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egypt is bracing for more protests against president morsi is a degree granting him so whipping new powers that sounds valid to stay on the streets until the decision is revised. the remains of late palestinian leader yasser arafat are excused and tissue samples taken to finally prove because of his death following gears of speculation he was poisoned by israel. greece gets the money it needs to avoid defaulting on its loans at this coal task a bridge that the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of greeks and times is.
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new so russia and around the world this is our she was me our thanks for joining us egypt is worrisome and so for a new round of turmoil with russia. planned for tuesday president morsi sparked outrage last week when he issued a decree placing his decisions about any kind of oversight including that of the court's opponents accuse the leader of a blatant power grab and pledge to continue with the demonstrations until her reverses his decision journalist about truth has more on the for her troubles his. apart from saying that he isn't affecting the judicial authority which is very hard to prove as he has actually reined in the power of history and promising that he will use his new found powers in a negative way morsi hasn't actually i'm offered anything to the opposition forces in time so it's reassuring them that he's not acting in the way of a dictator and as you can probably see behind me there's still hundreds of people on top here opposition forces that will refuse to leave the square until he backs
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down in this contentious documents we're going to see. several thousand people in the streets everything for a million man march against this declaration we've seen them protests across the country and actually with the deaths of protesters including a member of the muslim brotherhood's be seeing clashes between pro and anti muslim brotherhood supporters in various different governorates and of course we've seen them of people within the journalists in the kits who wanted to call for a strike against sits in addition to the judiciary who did actually call a partial strike so really we're still seeing massive dissent across the country with no sign of this abating. egyptian calling mohamed morsi a new dictator saying it has seized more power than the ousted hosni mubarak at the hands of political analysts every traits and believes the current unrest shows the revolution has changed little and the country if anything it would simply be a continuation of the original revolution which the revolution if we're going to
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call it that did not succeed in the sense that it was able to oust mubarak but it did not actually seize power instead it created a power vacuum and one that was filled by the political machine or the muslim brotherhood the muslim brotherhood though they were able to win the elections last year they don't actually have this broad based of the support as they would like to pretend there are many elements within egypt who are very much dissatisfied with the muslim brotherhood who would like to see changes within the political structure of the country this has to do. both internally with the political situation but also with the diplomatic in the geopolitical situation when the people of egypt realize that they've been swindled into a five billion dollar strings attached loans from the i.m.f. and this is under the auspices of the muslim brotherhood well the muslim brotherhood will need some political control be able to meet in their control with these sweeping powers but also the decision to assume your absolute powers came
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just hours after he held to broker a cease fire between israel and hamas and gaza and online right now we've got more on how his crucial role in the truce gave him a green light for they try to stick out at home. the remains of the late palestinian leader yasser arafat have been repaired after being exiled earlier on tuesday an international team of forensic experts have taken tissue samples from the remains hoping to clear doubts over the cause of his death in two thousand and four our middle east correspondent paula skeer has more. then you don't choose the body of the former palestinian leader yasser arafat was removed from it's where it's been for the better part of eight years since he died back in two thousand and four and since that time b. question has never been on said to him exactly what exactly killed our friends must have a stimulus believe that israel was behind his killing although israel has repeatedly and consistently denied this at the time of his did they was radioactive material that was found on his clothing what we witnessing now is an investigation that is
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seen a team of international investigators take samples of these tissues they will then lead any case occasionally various countries around the world will be told that it will take several months but then hopefully once and it will be an answer to the question as to what exactly killed the former palestinian leader when we talk about the death of yasser arafat there's a lot of behind the scenes political maneuvering and repeatedly experts and critics and media analysts have pointed out that the old do see of a network has been at the forefront of investigating what killed yasser arafat in fact they have spearheaded this whole investigation back in july they released a documentary that was entitled what killed our fight now of course al jazeera is backed by qatar and qatar has made no bones of the fact that it's very good to see some kind of changes within the p.a. qatar would like to see palestinian president mahmoud abbas pushed away from power and for more radical elements to come to power not only in gaza but also in the
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west bank and most notably here we're talking about hamas this would hope because tory's meet their goals particularly in syria where for quite some time they have been pushing for regime change which was also witnessed a growing together in terms of relationship between the qatar and hamas make me just remind you that some two hundred and fifty million dollars were recently played by qatar to hamas to help palestinians in the gaza strip rebuild their homes and the infrastructure off to the operation. coslet now what we also know is that israel stands to lose from all of this of course israel has been alarmed by the low close relationship between harassed as well as saudi arabia qatar and mohamed morsi they are they coming closer together and expressing more vocal and he is also interim and so there's a lot happening behind the scenes we're not just talking about the examination of yasser arafat's body but we're talking about much longer deeper ramifications. as
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coming up later this hour the you play a large bottle may be over but adults remain. to go leach believes it should be should be should be you are in law large compared to the normal citizens so agrees guys there much needed cash for its ailing economy but acts that say it's not on the right decision makers are out of touch with reality. around the world in a way with tears he seems to be driving not only protests onto the streets but also a lot of less than honest people into the supermarkets. that's later in the program but now france has allocated one point five million dollars in aid to the new syrian rebel coalition that's despite criticism therefore and raise the bloc may not have enough support inside the country or even much control of the un to assad fighters on the ground france was also one of the few nations to give its full indorsement to the group professor paul sheldon through paris is pursuing only one major goal in syria. science major interest would be to continue with. your
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remote server throughout the world. but i don't think it really cured search just as they didn't here in the case of libya all they were close to were ours got off and they didn't really care who took over afterwards the. problem or thing is so-called syrian opposition they are not united the only thing unites them they would like to remove the current government they come from a very wide range of political religious viewpoints. viewpoint origins. their thing arab world to succeed in syria they were not be able to come together and they would be in no round of fighting do you determine who will dominate all the other groups. meanwhile russia says french recognition of this they were in opposition bloc as well as its calls to supply their weapons with
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arms are illegal find out about why moscow is critical and also how it sees its relations with damascus by looking after. another strong advocate of toppling the government in syria the u.s. is now helping to deal with the chaos that emerged after a force for power change in libya washington wants to assist in the creation of a new libyan army as part of its major program of training tens of thousands of foreign soldiers from across the globe she's going to check her now takes a look at what's in it for the u.s. . the pentagon's new outlook forget about full scale invasion is and large footprint occupations instead think of special ops and off c.r.t.'s next destination libya the obama administration has received congressional approval to allocate money for a special unit reportedly made up of some five hundred people who will train the country's forces according to one libyan militia commander a team of americans is already in the country looking for recruits
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a major obstacle in their way a vastly divided society there isn't an army and libya now and the army is not going to be because whenever you try and get militias which have been region says to a variety of reasons of things that the national interest so they have allegiance to a dr or to a sect or to a religion rather than having allegiance to the nation or to the country you cannot build an army but with training and aid fully via the u.s. we have more pragmatic goals then the nine hundred yard you were just teaching them the best way to fight this war training it actually because it's really about not so much about you know teaching people how to use rifles and how to use new equipment it's all about really what indoctrination make any aid each one of the children u.s. uses and as you know very successfully. to ensure that the elite in the countries
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concerned stay loyal to the u.s. . a lot in terms of foreign policy to state law to them in terms of opening their economies up. to u.s. multinationals will be and will be very important. and for the united states and yes it will start buying american arms and substantial qualities libya's lots and lots of money to spend according to the state department this year alone the u.s. spent six point three billion dollars financing foreign armies it argues investing in foreign militaries helps build. better alliances and further american interests abroad from the point of view of the u.s. government of course it's very useful to have other countries militaries integrated into the us they get the training then they get the equipment they get the arms it's the full package the idea of proxy armies is not new to be very destructive record of training foreign armies has hardly been flawless you have the school of americas for instance which is trained all the the armies that became the torturers
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of latin america that started after world war two i would say the training troops is especially in the middle east in the case of iraq or in afghanistan something of a catastrophe it's premised on a fantasy that if the u.s. buys the uniforms gives them the guns provides in the training that somehow these will be reliable forces you can see in the case of afghanistan governments are united the governments are partners but the afghan troops don't consider the americans to be their friends in fact they consider them to be cultural aliens who are occupying their country more than fifty coalition troops were killed this year alone by members of the afghan security forces or it is out that the obama administration wants to leave around ten thousand troops in afghanistan to continue to train afghan forces and carry out special operations after twenty four teeth when according to the obama administration american forces are supposed to have completely left the country the afghan government has less than two years to agree or reject the idea of the u.s. government maybe looking at training armies abroad is
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a smart investment sort of like outsourcing makes sense in business it's cheaper than having u.s. troops on the ground no need to explain dead troops coming home makes sense from a lot of perspectives but that strategy has backfired more than once in the past eliminating populations that didn't want to see their military become a student of washington's wars in washington i'm gonna check out. and knowing these things and i shall break away. i never thought i could earn a living this way. natale issue of oil is the norm or should test small arms so those photos to machine building plant not are the source to count of all the weapons she's fired over the past twelve years. i got so used to it sometimes my
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friends ask me to join them at the rifle range and i say no wait i'm so tired of shooting. the clowns history goes from making firearms during world war two to ballistic missiles from nuclear submarines during the cold war the bulk of the soviet industry was moved here in the 1940's to flee the advancing germans cells here also became the heart of soviet military production closed off to foreigners full hall first century it's thrived on the massive moods of the soviet military when the u.s.s.r. collapsed but life here was shaken to the core which some adapted to better than others. this is the year old truck factory brushes the number one truck maker or grabs a look at how well the workplace is organized everything's done to make sure the workers don't waste time waiting there was so production is booming the factory has largely managed to get on to civil rails these johnsons sold around the globe hit
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a base and brand new be the way to be delivered to a quiet quiet and never like this was roll up the blogs going bad about every day look at about this things that absolutely huge. well i'm no formula one pilot but hopefully if i can get up that. what can go far to drive. whoa that was. perhaps i should get one of these to travel to whatever in the morning but with a cost of about forty thousand dollars i should start saving my. parents versus social workers document being the last stop me being the land damn good many
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children have become prize used to fight for why does the law threaten families of the social order to see me in the frame of the right of your home anymore if they think that they have any kind of suspicion about the wellbeing of the of your children are often just better at bringing up kids than their own mom and dad. using what we have an industry that is so. concentrated on the other for trade to.
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be washing off the line from moscow the greek government is breathing a sigh of relief after e.u. finance ministers agreed to release the next cash injection for the debt ridden country and it means afghans has once again escaped the forward but well still have to massively cut his dead by twenty twenty investment advisor patrick young says the measures being forced upon the people have turned greece into third world country we can talk about the greek economy and the greek government to highlight its base but can you on. mostly reasonably expect your fellow human citizens to spend the next eight years under swishing austerity they've already had several years there are all manner of terrible social problems within greece people can't buy medicines they can't afford to get food that is completely and utterly disgusting to see on the european continent in twenty twelve a day what we've got is a kind of kinetic energy of the european union level where they think that if they keep spinning and they keep talking and they keep telling us everything's ok and
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alternately people are wandering around the central square in brussels then everything's going to be absolutely fine for the political elite the elite of civil servants of the e.u. are in la la la and compared to their normal citizens who are greeks are suffering badly as a result greece is governed in a third world fashion at the moment not to the first world fashion and battle timidly is causing a huge amount of frustration with a grid many e.u. finance ministers some of whom because they've got lots of money such as say germany poland and so on some of them because they've actually taken their medicine the poor irish twenty thousand people on the streets of dublin at the weekend complaining about the austerity medicine they've had to take on knowing they're hearing that the greeks are going to get all manner of concessions in order to be allowed to get through the next hurdle to get their next belied that it's not fair it's very unreasonable on a lot of people and that's leading a huge number of politicians to big increasingly fed up with the whole greek situation. and a seriously proud of her steak
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a bizarre twist as bullies discovered protesters don't just throw stones in their direction on the life of god the story of how hundreds of the problem is angry at warning food prices have fired back at security forces with a milk can of paint are to meet. the e.u. debt crisis forcing you k. supermarkets to take action as stores across the country are looking up meat against those desperate for food and as fast reports the measures come as no surprise in britain where people's financial plight is making them more and more willing to take risks. so you can market as like the shake a thing that cut price deals always popular but in the midst of a recession little much in the pennies is proving more important than ever that's why moms. it is not only moms that go to ice them but also apparently shoplifters too is that the supermarket chains been so blighted by thieves that
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they've been forced to that up their security measures judicially it is good such as c.d.'s and alcohol that is shoplifted and so they carry the extra security but now it seems food products also being targeted in iceland and perhaps somewhat bizarrely it's their land that's attracting thieves there are things extra hefty security casing. finest. so there we go we've got the kids and my lands being freed from the security box now fourteen pounds or seven pounds a kilo that's actually pretty good value for the me it is one of iceland's most stolen items so it's a sign of tough times that people are struggling to afford even the basics or is this just stealing plain and simple. prices of food is going up so you can grow
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people. you know people because obviously they need. they need the food. but i think it's a good idea is good for iceland to do that they need to take care of their profits really having to steal food. not just shows this move people are struggling. some people have claimed these are targeting the choice to cut the meat and selling it on to pubs and restaurants for profit and in iceland the land has been the only products safe to receive the it's just security loss that might be one explanation this is saying no you doubt the poverty in the u.k. is a growing problem feed inflation in the u.k. with one of the highest in the e.u. and as the costs continue to skyrocket it seems that many people. really do you call it desperate measures sir artie. the u.k.
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government keeps on adding to the tough times with a seriously mattress his marks kaiser reveals that the remedy is actually having a reverse effect and here's a brief review on what's on the kaiser report later today for you. again leading financial magazine money week and i quote britain is about to be flattened by a tidal wave of doing that will see the end of britain why is this government hard on terrorists but soft on backing terrorists why are they met why why are they there pathological there is no they're there they're causing more destruction any tragic religious and. because jews walking around sleepwalking into a big ball. and bar collapse well we've got a front row seat the body. several human rights groups have condemned president barack obama's drone war for our rule
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book a set of policy is reported to develop to justify the use of unmanned aerial vehicles targeted killings with the help of drones are in widespread use under the current if you us leader but it's most this surveillance will have become the victims of such attacks and retired colonel morris davis told r c it's wrong to think that the use of drones can put an ounce to tara. no i have just a drone program we have drone programs and we have a military program is governed by the law of war and international law and then we have this other program governed run by the cia which is a civilian agency that i'm not aware of what any internationally recognized legal authority for a civilian agency to go overseas and kill you know a war on terror is a war without end because it's really a war on a tactic not on a group of people so you know terror can't surrender so be fighting this war for you know the long as we live it has been the argument you know since nine eleven
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that the president is the commander in chief has unilateral authority to do anything necessary to keep the country safe and so we've really you know it's called if you put a label on it call it patriotic like the usa patriot act which is really we're scared to death that we give up our liberties if you'll keep us safe so if you put a nice label on it and call it the patriot act and we're willing to give up the liberties that we claim that we're the champion of john mccain and others here are saying that the administration needs to stand up to morsi because he can't put himself above the rule of law. if you compare his powers to the powers that our president has taken over the past decades so you know compared to the powers that morsi has taken you know our president has done a lot more. investigators are looking into a prison riot in russia where some two hundred fifty inmates taste a protest over conditions prisoners occupied an area in the compound and the russian view rolls demanding improvements in standards and the release of something made held in solitary confinement moments on my. part of the story of how
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some enterprising companies are now offering everything necessary to survive the first days of an apocalypse had to all to go all the details. coming up after the break it's all she's interviewed this time talks to south africa's foreign minister about the future of the country's relations with russia and its nuclear energy sector. we've. seen.
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wealthy british style sign. on the tireless. market why not come to find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.
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mission in free cretaceous free zones for charges free to make humans free. free studio time free. download free blog counseling video for your media projects and free media oh god r t dot com. it was not the military i was army and now today i signed a new contract with a unit of the hue. contracting. it was not the operation to secure and rebuild the devastated country caliber company field taxpayers for its contract for can iraq. it was the campaign for making billions of dollars oliver was reasonable and was ordered bills exceed one billion dollars iraq's first sale. war profiteers went on she.
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would. tell him again when the welcome to spotlight the interview show on hard time going alving today my guest on the show comes from south africa.
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one of the world's top emerging economies pretoria has been craving for it to stop and cheap nuclear energy production and here in russia looks like the best part not to say sorry pretorius optioning a multi-million that's who multibillion dollar contract for building several new cap power stations so will the russian nuclear engineers really go to africa pretty soon and want in other areas of cop. between russia and south africa south african minister its national racial operation spoke to me today. over the last twenty years south africa has changed dramatically from an ethnically segregated country to one of the world's rapidly developing economies the amazing progress was crowned with the brilliant hosting of the two thousand and ten football world cup moscow has always position.


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